Child Counselling-15: ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder

Child Counselling-15: ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder

“Next Generation Special Generation” “isn’t it? Is it early to use this statement?”

“Use of gadgets, Urban lifestyle, lust”, where are we moving?

In last few years, there is Spike in number of cases for special kids and majority are suffering with ADHD.

ADHD is neurological disorder and kids suffering with ADHD having issue of paying attention, suffer with impulsive behaviour (not having control on own behaviour).

Medically, ADHD cannot be treated but with the help of behaviour techniques, breathing exercises and managing life style, ADHD can be controlled and managed.

Signs & Symptoms:

Normally children have issues in focusing and behaving at one environment to other environment.However, children with ADHD just not grow out of these behaviours. The symptoms continue, can be severe, and can cause difficulty at school, at home, or with friends as well.

A child with ADHD might:

Trouble taking turns, unable to sit still, fidget, daydream, usually forget things, take unnecessary risks, have hard time resisting temptation and have difficulty in getting along with others.

Types of ADHD:

Three different types of ADHD are:

Predominantly Inattentive Presentation: Attention is main issue with this category. Finishing a task or organizing the things, paying attention is a key concern with this category of kids. Kids of this category easily miss or skip their daily routines and distract easily.

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation:

Kids of this category fidget and speak a lot about anything. It is tough for them to sit still for long. They usually run a lot, jump or climb constantly. This category is always restless and always impulsive.  It is hard for them to wait for their turn or follow others. Due to this impulsiveness, this category meets more accidents and injuries than others do.

Combined Presentation: this category combines symptoms of both of above types.

Causes of ADHD:

Causes for ADHD are not clear. However, it is genetic. Besides the genetic factor, the other possible reason may be:

  • Brain injury
  • Watching gadgets for a long time
  • Anxiety or Depression during pregnancy
  • Inherited
  • Exposure to environmental risks during pregnancy
  • Use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy
  • Premature delivery
  • Low Birth weight

Some of the factors like eating too much sugar, type of parenting, social & environmental factors & unstructured life style of family may make ADHD worsen in a certain category.


ADHD can be treated with a behaviour therapy, Breathing exercises and managing lifestyle. Along with other thing, planned structured life is best solution for ADHD.

Along with kids, therapies and breathing exercise, training for parents is also required for treatment of ADHD. For better results close monitoring, follow up and make some changes if required.

Managing Symptoms: Staying Healthy

Stay Healthy through life style changes:

Some of the healthy behaviours that help in ADHD are:

Maintaining good habits such as eating lot of fruits, vegetables and natural diet and avoiding fast food and other packed products.

Depending on age, the kid’s family must maintain schedule for physical activity.

Use of gadgets must be reduced like mobile, television, computer and other electronic items.

Proper sleep cycle should be maintained.